Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Exhibitors enjoy busy first day

The sunshine and the reputation of World Ag Expo drew a sea of attendees to opening day – and the good news is that they were looking to buy.

Forage Challenge award winner Kelly Callahan, of Royal City, Wash., has been to World Ag Expo for the past 12 years. He and his family farm 3,000 acres, operate a 1,500-cow dairy, raise apples, operate a gravel pit and a construction company and have a well-drilling enterprise. To equip those businesses, the family “spends about a quarter of a million dollars” on equipment in the year after World Ag Expo.

“We do all our research here, and then go back home and buy,” Callahan said. “Our equipment needs are so diverse we really have to see the whole show.”

The sunshine apparently had attendees thinking about summer recreation, as the Etco Marine display was abuzz with activity. Owner Chad Borba said he already had an offer on a boat from an out-of-state buyer.

OXBO International’s Brent Borboa said the week is “off to a good start” with “the right people here today – the decision-makers.” He is finding a lot of interest in his product, and “more optimism” this year.

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